Version 1.8.6
Report a Bug directly from the app

You can now quickly submit a bug from within the app
Using our dedicated in-app bug reporting tool, you can submit your issues and bugs and our expert team will investigate and address.
We will then reach out when it was resolved.
Select multiple sources in Tab View inside Reports
You can now select multiple sources in the Tab View design of the Performance Report.
Auto Remarketing
Ability to customize reply to email
You can now customize the reply to email for your Auto Remarketing AI generated emails.
Updated email templates page design
You can now customize your emails and select a pre-made template from our gallery, in addition to the ones imported from the integration.
Improved in-app documentation
You can now get help or quickly access documentation articles directly from the app by clicking our newly added help bubbles.
Timezone with Daylight Savings Time
You can now see the timezones with the time difference using Daylight Savings Time and without.
Hide sensitive data for connected accounts
You can now choose to share sensitive data information with the connected account. If chosen to hide sensitive data, the user will see numbers and stats but names will be hidden.
Improvements & Bug Fixes
Improved Creative Report performance on big accounts
An update was made to the Creative Report to improve performance for High Volume data.
Improved attribution for all lead metrics
You can now analyze lead metrics ( leads, new leads and other lead derived metrics ) with the report selected attribution model, not only last click. This will work for First Click, Last Click and Scientific.
Export Country, Region and City in a single file
You can now export Country, Region and City from the cities tab into the same CSV file.
Ability to add custom cost to sources via API
An update was made on the API to allow setting up custom costs for Hyros sources via API.
Organic stats included in the Performance Report Export
An update was made on the Performance report so that the exported CSV includes the Organic row.
Improved onboarding sequence for new user
An update was made on the onboarding flow for new users to provide a better experience.
Improved the tracking script setup via GTM and Shopify
Now you can add the custom domain tracking script into Google Tag Manager and Shopify.
Improved Shopify Script
An update was made on the Shopify Script to subscribe to more events to improve tracking.