24 Feb 2025

Version 1.8.8

Group 2
Show Power Features Only

Hyros stats in your ad platform

Analyze Hyros data directly inside your ad platform, on top of your ads

We know how much you love seeing all your favorite Hyros metrics directly inside your ad platform so we made a huge update to the Chrome Extension.

Update includes a new design of the extension to improve your experience as well as a performance update so you can save time and make data-driven decisions to scale your ads.


Customize dashboard widget charts

You can now customize the charts inside your dashboard widgets, to support either line, which will aggregate data by day or pie, which will aggregate data by metric total.


Set limited time discount coupons

You can now set an expiration date for your Shopify coupons when being sent by our AI via Auto Remarketing feature.


Customizing AI Email Templates got a new design

We implemented a new design for the customization of email templates for Auto Remarketing and also added some new template designs to choose from.


See Preview of generated emails

We implemented a section where you can see a preview of the emails that were generated when setting up Auto Remarketing.


Easily manage your imports & exports

We understand that importing data into Hyros and exporting data out of Hyros is essential and repeating these processes can cause issues, like duplicating imports, so we added a page where you can see the status of your imports and exports and easily access them any time.


Preview for ad platform sources is back

We used to have the ad preview link for meta ads inside the sources tab but was removed in the new design, so we brought it back. Now you can preview the ads and generate preview links for testing the ads directly from Hyros.


Exclude leads without sales in Cohort Report

You can now exclude the leads without sales from your Cohort Report in order to get the desired results for your analysis.


Shopify Pixel Update

Due to the updates made on the Shopify theme structure and some limitations and requirements imposed by Shopify, we had to update the setup process of the pixels. Since setting up the Custom Web Pixels is not possible to implement via API and can only be done once the custom app is created in the store, we removed the automatic setup from our app.

Since the Post Purchase Page and Order Status sections will no longer exist in Shopify, we removed and only left one version of the script for Shopify, the Convert to Shopify Script.

Please read the full documentation article with all the instructions here: https://docs.hyros.com/shopify-integration/


Improvements & Bug Fixes

Improved AI prompt to take into account business type

We implemented an update that automatically instructs the AI to generate specific content tailored to the business type of the account.

Improved User Experience when integrating Apps

We used to refresh the entire page when a new app was integrated, which caused some issues, either with some lost data or with the new Hyros Assistant so we implemented an update to only refresh the integration component, not the entire page in order to provide a better experience.

Fixed sales data tab going blank

We had an issue with the sales data tab going blank for some users and some specific scenarios so we implemented a fix to address that.

Integrate same Hubspot into multiple Hyros accounts

We had a rule implemented for 1 Hubspot account integrated in 1 Hyros account, which caused some limitations, so we decided to remove that limitation and allow the same Hubspot account to be integrated into multiple Hyros accounts.

Added more attribute filters to Report widget

We used to have a more limited attribute filter for widget so we updated it to match the Report widget in order to allow users to fully configure widgets as they do Reports.

Fixed Time of Sale Attribution and Time of Call Attribution metrics

We had some miscalculations for these metrics so we pushed an update to fix them.

Added new fields to the attribution API endpoints

We added some new fields to our attribution endpoints in the API: name, parent_name and isAccountId. These values will depend on the level field:

  • for level=facebook_ad, the name will be the ad name and parent_name is ad set name
  • for level=facebook_adset, the name will be ad set name and parent_name will be campaign name
  • For the isAdAccountId field, if set to true, we will return all the sources by the selected level (ad group, ad, keyword) of the specified ad account ( in the ids field )

Fixed ad naming for creatives report

Some creatives don’t have any name that is provided from the integration, in which case we displayed {{product.name}}, however, so we implemented a change for those cases to display the ad name.