These 3 Offers Are DOMINATING Facebook Ad ROIs
Look, this is simple. I’m going to show you what you should be selling on Facebook and YouTube ads right now. Being the CEO of Hyros allows me to see exactly what’s working across industries and ad platforms.
We are tracking literally almost a hundred million dollars a month in product sales. So that being said, I’m not going to show you exactly what others are doing, but what I am able to share with you, and what I’m comfortable sharing, what I see in your industry trend-wise that is working.
When it comes to Facebook and YouTube ads, particular funnels work very well. There’s a particular set style of offers that are just working very, very well.
And the reason I’m comfortable sharing this with you is that you can see this on Facebook and Youtube, but you just don’t know which ones are working and which are not.
You’re being shown a range of junk on these platforms, so if you understand what is converting really well, what type of pricing, and what types of funnels are working, you will absolutely crush it.
That said, this will be one of the most valuable posts I share, so without further ado, let’s jump into it.
The Three Types Of Offers Killing It
Alright, there are three types of offers that are killing it right now.
Call Funnels With Offers Above $8,000
The first type I see nuking it right now is with call funnels that have offers above $8,000. These are typically in the info marketing space for specific B2B industries.
Let me explain.
What is a call funnel? For lack of better words, a call funnel is when we send people to a landing page. On Hyros, we have an example where we send people from a Facebook or YouTube ad to an opt-in form where they enter their email before being taken to a page with a simple sales video making an offer.

Once a person lands on this page, they will see a sales video and see that basically every big person on planet Earth are using Hyros for tracking their ad optimization, and then they come to the offer to book a call.
Okay, so this is how we built Hyros as the fastest-growing ad-tracking company in the world.
Here’s what I see; right now, the best opportunity with SaaS marketing is with high-ticket software ads that work through a call funnel. But what’s even better is info products and done-for-you service products for specific industries.
Now, I’m not going to mention any specific industries I see in Hyros; I’m just giving generic examples like dental offices, surgeons, roofing contractors, and hair salons. These types of brick-and-mortar businesses where you can give them strategies that I’ve seen work like crazy.
When I look at the entire ad industry, I see that these ads are generating the highest ROI. I’m talking about people putting in $3000 and making 10x to $30-40,000 back.
So if you’re thinking about running an ad for brick-and-mortar and scaling up your business, this is the type of funnel right here.
The thing is, when you’re running a funnel like this, you need to look at the tracking. If I use Hyros, I’ll see different numbers than if I just look at what Facebook gives me. Sometimes, these numbers can be wildly different.

The way we track with Hyros, you can see where a person clicked last year in October and just now, about a year later, booked a call. So I can track all of that accurately, but Facebook wouldn’t report that tracking.
Here’s the thing. Many people running calls aren’t using accurate data, so they’re getting weird costs per call and even worse when they run their ads.
They’re not operating based on profit because you can’t track call closes well right now through Facebook at all.
If you’re running a funnel with a ton of calls coming in and a good cost per call, it’s not generating any money. You will have a wonky call funnel if you’re not tracking accurately.
Webinar Offers For Odd Side Hustles
The next type of funnel is webinar offers for odd side hustles. What does this mean? This is an info product, and I’m going to get into e-commerce products. But what I’ve found with webinar offers is you’re selling something for a price ranging from $497 to $997 to $2000 sold via a webinar funnel.
You can still do this if you’re in the make-money-online space. It makes a ton of money. But if you want to see 8-10x, I see that people who are doing that work offer side hustles.
I’m going to make something up here right now. If you’re making a product about selling juice or how to start your own side makeup artist business, whatever people are looking for online.
It’s working well right now, finding a way to make a little side hustle to make an extra $100-300 bucks a month. However, people aren’t looking to start a fully-fledged business.
For example, I saw a Dr. Axe offering how to become a licensed essential oil consultant, and those types of offers are killing it right now.
Those are the types of things people want to buy in the information space.
What you do is run a webinar funnel, have people opt-in and send people maybe an hour-long presentation that ends with an offer for a $497 to $2000 product.
You may be wondering why we are doing high-ticket offers right now. It’s simply that high-ticket works better because it’s much easier to get 3 people out of 100 to buy a $1000 info product than to get 30 people out of 100 to buy a $100 product. That’s just a fact about how the numbers work out.
Let’s break it down. If you’re spending $2 to get a person to sign up for a webinar and you get 1,000 people, that’s an ad cost of $2000. But if we can get just 3 people to spend $1000, we’re at a $1000 profit.
Getting a 3% return, even at a higher ticket price, isn’t that hard. But getting a return at 10% or 20% to make the same return is extremely difficult.
I’ve seen in my mastermind that people are selling high-ticket offers with webinars going from selling $100 products to $1000-2000 products and seeing monthly sales at 20k. I even saw one jump to $400,000 in a month.
And a lot of the reason people can do this is that they literally copy and paste the ad copy and funnels that I used to grow Hyros when I moved toward selling high-ticket offers.
So you want to do high-ticket then because they simply perform better.
High-Ticket Ecommerce Funnels
The final funnel I’ve seen work well right now is the extremely high-ticket e-commerce.
What most people in e-commerce are doing that I see selling low-ticket items priced at $27, $29, to $100 dollars just isn’t worth it.
What is crushing it right now are the $20,000 products.
The funny thing is that people don’t go shopping for solar panels. People looking to buy solar panels aren’t walking into a store. They’re exclusively looking for it online.
And the thing is, it’s not going to take a lot to get them from a simple sales page to a call. So there’s no need for a call funnel, just a price page that discusses the product’s benefits and offers some type of sales funnel at the bottom.

These products and funnels are generating some of the most comical profits I’m seeing now.
You don’t need much pitching or convincing for people looking for these high-ticket e-commerce items. Instead, you can simply target people watching solar panels videos on YouTube.
If I took these high-ticket items and used Hyros, I’d see that the call volumes for these three different high-ticket funnels are radically different from what I’m getting reported from Facebook. This is especially true when I try to track the actual LTV of my ads.
As you saw before, it takes almost a year for a phone call in some of these funnel examples. So I need to be able to track the long-term LTV of people who end up booking calls with us. In fact, I make about $750 after 6 months with every single phone call, so we usually pay $150-200 bucks a call.
If I were to look at the face value of my funnel, it doesn’t look too great, but after 6-months, it’s ridiculous.
If you want help tracking like this, just schedule a consultation with us at Hyros, and we’ll just look at your ad accounts and find where all the waste and bad data are if you have it.
Then we will set it all up for you.
On top of that, if you’re interested in our mastermind, we don’t just let anybody in. It’s a group for high-risk. And if you want me to review your ads, hop on a call, and I’ll review your ads, the type of funnel you should be using, and what kind of targeting to use. So basically, I’ll give you all the copies you need just to hop on a call with me.
Again, for the mastermind, there is a qualification to go through, just go to Facebook and look for the Hyros group, where if you qualify, there’s 50 million a month in ad spend from our media buyers to help you.
If you are interested in obtaining the same stats I showed in this video and even having us help you set this up, GO HERE to get more information on HYROS.
Ad Training and Tactics
While I do not sell courses, I do offer a private coaching program where I train people on the ad strategies I have used to build multiple 8 figure and 7 figures businesses. You can get more details on that HERE.
HYROS Facebook Group
It’s really simple. This group is the best media buyer Facebook group online because we make sure that every member is spending significant ad spend before joining. It’s for veteran ad buyers only and because of that the networking/information being shared is on another level. You can apply to join HERE
Here Are Our FULL Zero To Scaled Ad Courses (Free)
The Zero To SCALED Facebook Ads Course (Advanced FB Scaling)
The Zero To SCALE Youtube Ads Course (Advanced YT Scaling)
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