ADVANCED Facebook Ads Course: The Perfect Offer For FB Ads
Boy, do I have a great one for you here. Grab some cheese; I don’t know why you’d want to grab some cheese, but sit down, rub your hands, and grab some cheese because it’s a doozy.
This is the most advanced Facebook ads course you can find for free, and if you’ve ever paid for one or spent $1000’s bucks before, you’ll feel like you’ve been scammed.
I will break down everything I’ve done to scale one of my businesses past $600,000 a month in Facebook ads to $100,000 for that ROI.
This is what I’ve done for the exact same thing with YouTube, where I showed how I scaled a business to $1 million a month on YouTube ads. While I’m still pretty damn good with YouTube ads, I feel that my ROI with Facebook is now good enough to teach you.
Why am I doing this? Because I’m the CEO of an ad tracking company, and as you scale your ads, you will want to know how to track your data better to get more accurate information to help you improve your ROI.
Once you begin to see some results, you may want to scale some more and think, “ah, I better track my ads to get better ROI,” so you don’t look like a Bozo.
This post is the most important thing you can do for your ads. I realize that there are all sorts of offers, and there are all sorts of things you can sell.
You can sell clown shoes. You can sell clown underwear and clown mugs. But maybe you should stop selling clown stuff because they don’t sell well on Facebook.
Not all offers work well, and it’s not just because it’s clown stuff.
There are specific types of offers that don’t sell well.
That said, different funnels and particular ways to position your things on Facebook work much better than others.
I will show you how to sell just about anything, but there’s a difference between front-end and back-end offers. With front-end ads, people don’t know much about your business, so you can’t just plug in any type of offer to the front end.
If you understand what kind of offer works, it will make your ability to run ads 10x better.
One thing that matters with Facebook ads is that not everything and not every offer is good for paid advertising.
This is the biggest key with Facebook ads.
Let me explain. You see, ads are in a particular arena for both Facebook and YouTube. So basically, it is a dog fight, and your business may be a specific type of dog, your offers may be another particular type of dog, and your audience is another dog that doesn’t care what type of dog you, or your offers, are.
In other words, you’re not operating in a vacuum when you’re running ads. Instead, you’re going head-to-head against other “dogs” that are your competitors.
And in this example, not every ad or offer is the same. You could choose to be a pitbull, poodle, or chihuahua, and each has different strengths–one may be for competition, one for beauty, and the other simply to sit around on a lap. So don’t expect every ad to perform the same, the dogs are different, and the arenas should match the breed.
The problem with squeezing one type of ad that doesn’t fit the platform or offer is that it ends up with a funnel that gets no traffic or sales.
It gets absolutely crushed if you take a generic ad against other paid traffic designed to generate traffic, generate leads, and generate profit due to how it’s being sold and at a reasonable price point.
Instead, the type of offer that works with ads is that it quickly covers ad costs and makes a profit upfront while generating leads and a kind of direct contact form. They could even be down to your retargeting pixel.
So what kinds of ads do all these things? Because rule number one is that you want your ads to cover your costs.
Of course, if you’re a company like Coca-Cola or Lululemon that can just throw money around, it won’t matter, but chances are, if you’re here, that doesn’t apply to you.
For the rest of you, how do you compete against advertisers that are built to win?
Take Salesforce, for example.
They ran ads to grow. They would run ads to an offer where a person had to pay $2000 upfront. Hubspot had to sell a year upfront, two years upfront. Why?
These businesses would sell ads for a year, but why?
The returns were excellent. If you take a $1000 ad and get 100 people to click through, and you’re selling two-years upfront or a two-year subscription at $99 a month, you’re probably thinking, ok, so we could get 20 people at $99 a month and maybe 1 at $2000 upfront. Wouldn’t it be better to go for the $99 sales?
No, that’s not the best deal. But, see, if you have 20 people willing to buy at $99 a month, you can probably get 3-4 of them to pay for the two-years upfront at $2000. So if we can get our offers just right and get to 5 people buying two years upfront, we’ve generated $10,000.

This example shows that high-ticket funnels deliver and perform better than low-ticket funnels.
Keep in mind that there are all sorts of ways to buy a lead at, say, $10, but we end up losing money if we scale that lead cost to $30 or $40. So instead, with a good funnel, we just have to wait 3-4 months for that to happen.
Imagine if we spent $1000 at $10 per lead.
We get 100 leads, and we get one person to buy $2000. So we’ve covered our ad costs 2x while creating lead gen with 100 people in the funnel. Over 6 months, we can go up to $40 per lead. So we’re up $1000 from the original sale and make another $4000 from following up.
This amount equals 6x cash ROI for our ads. So when you achieve 6x, you’re printing money, and we’re able to get this ROI and do this LTV and grow a business and scale it while generating leads that don’t lose money.
The Top Performing Offers On Facebook
You want to create a lead gen or form of lead collection for a high-ticket offer that will cover ad costs and then think about scaling.
There are two types of offers that do really, really well with Facebook.
Those are webinar ads and call funnels.
Why do these offers perform well on Facebook?
Webinars are the best funnel for selling mass-market, high-ticket offers. These products will be priced from $297 to $2000 to $3000.
Now, if you’re in e-commerce, fitness, or the mass market, you’ll be looking at this price point.
Because the number of people looking to spend money on fitness products is huge, it’s something like a third of the United States willing to spend on fitness products. This mass-market appeal makes it possible to price a product at $297 and make it work.
On the other hand, selling a product on how to make money online, in the business space, or self-help, you’ll find the interest in those niches is about 1 in 100, so as the market decreases, the price increases. This is why funnels work particularly well, especially for B2B.
In B2B, people are spending $5000 to $50,000 for an offer. So, for example, if you’re selling a $50,000 product to an accounting firm making $10 million, you could sell them a product that gets them to $11 million a year.
Call funnels work well for B2B because, remember, the product price increases as the market size decreases. So the only time you want to do this is when the market goes down, and the quality and financial incentive increase.

As you start to pitch a high-ticket offer, you need to customize your messaging to be more refined. People aren’t going to pay for the luxury, high-ticket time by watching a sales video. That’s why you need to get them on a call with you. On the call, you can customize the message where you can find their exact problems and figure out how to sell them on that problem.
For example, if I’m running a webinar for Hyros, and all I talk about is tracking, and whatnot, very few people would buy at $5000. But if I could get them on a call, I could customize the message to show them how the products would relate to them and their needs.
And if you’re selling a product that’s not hyper in demand right now, sell a front-end product that is in demand.
An excellent example of this is how Russell Brunson used a webinar to teach people how to build their first business that could go mass market, and he used that offer to get people to flood ClickFunnels.
On its own, ClickFunnels is a subscription service, and selling it straight up wouldn’t have worked. But by selling a standalone, one-time front-end product, he got people to buy his $997 high-ticket offer that he used to get people indoctrinated to his offers and then sold them Click Funnels.
At the time, there was no demand for landing page software on a mass scale. As a result, it took a little time to gain traction and popularity. So instead of knowing that there was a demand for how to build your first business, Russell Brunson used that on the front end to guide them to Click Funnels.
So if your offer is a high-ticket item and not too popular, you need to think about how to create an attractive front-end offer that covers ad costs and then get them into your funnel toward your high-ticket item.
For example, I noticed the market was going nuts for e-commerce so I created an e-commerce offer even though it wasn’t about helping people build their businesses. But what it did was get 1000s of people into the funnel, cover ad costs, and then people would be interested in my high-ticket item.
My favorite strategy is genetically engineering your business with your ads by looking at the marketplace and asking yourself what is not being provided and making something unique that only you can sell.
The most profitable funnels I’ve seen are those unique–which can be done quickly with SaaS that nobody else is selling.
For example, when someone buys this service, they put $20 in and make $100 back in a month. So, this isn’t referring to making money offers; this is for B2B offers. And this needs to be something that can be sold high-ticket. So if you see something in the market that you can sell as a high-ticket offer, you’ll be on fire.
Remember, it is tough to scale something unique if it doesn’t deliver.
So I’d take your offer and put it into an arena against the big dogs. That’s right, take your chihuahua and put it into the arena with the Pitbulls. If it doesn’t work, you need to have your pitbull, whether a front-end offer or a high-ticket one.
If you’re selling a subscription service, maybe your front-end offer isn’t directly related to your subscription, but it covers the ad costs and gets people into your funnel.

So if you’re using this strategy, be sure to collect lead information on the way to the front-end offer to create an ad that sends people opt-ins. Then, by selling them to buy front-end offers and getting people toward an opt-in, you can scale to 1000s or 100,000s of people in some cases.
And once you have people familiar with your brand and happy with your business, you’ll have an easier time selling to them. But you can’t do that right away when trying to compete against people with larger budgets and brand awareness.
That’s about it. In the next post, we’ll discuss how to tighten ad copy and what I do for the copy on my ads to sell these offers.
So if you want any help running your ads, hop on a call with me where we can review them, go over them, and show you how to scale on Facebook and YouTube.
If you need help tracking your ads, you want to scale your ads a lot further, and you’re tired of not seeing your true ROI and bid of your ads, give me a call.
And if you want to join our mastermind group and high-risk group on Facebook, there’s a qualification to join, you must be spending a ton in ad spend, but it’s also the best media group online right now. So check it out.
If you are interested in obtaining the same stats I showed in this video and even having us help you set this up, GO HERE to get more information on HYROS.
Ad Training and Tactics
While I do not sell courses, I do offer a private coaching program where I train people on the ad strategies I have used to build multiple 8 figure and 7 figures businesses. You can get more details on that HERE.
HYROS Facebook Group
It’s really simple. This group is the best media buyer Facebook group online because we make sure that every member is spending significant ad spend before joining. It’s for veteran ad buyers only and because of that the networking/information being shared is on another level. You can apply to join HERE
Here Are Our FULL Zero To Scaled Ad Courses (Free)
The Zero To SCALED Facebook Ads Course (Advanced FB Scaling)
The Zero To SCALE Youtube Ads Course (Advanced YT Scaling)
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