Simply The Most Profitable YouTube Ad Strategy Online
Have you ever thought to yourself, I wish there was a guaranteed way that my ads would make money … I wish there was an ad strategy where I could just plug it in and it would print money like the government, or Oprah, or Taylor Swift (she is great at printing money)?
I’m going to share that with you today.
I’m Alex Becker, CEO of Hyros, sitting here in some sweet Hyros merch because this is really the only form of clothing that I actually own. And the strategy I’m going to show you with YouTube ads today, it’s not going to make you $10 million. But it could actually make you a million dollars because it just works.
It’s so stupidly easy to pull off, and the ad source that you’re going to be targeting pretty much guarantees an ROI. Why? Because we’re going to be targeting people that have already watched our videos. We can use YouTube videos to be a custom audience machine for Facebook and YouTube. And if you understand how to target these custom audiences, it’s virtually a guaranteed ROI.
The people I’ve taught this method to and when I’ve used it on this channel it is so easy to get a 10-15x ROI that it’s almost like you should just do this by default. (I’m totally not doing it on this channel. Wink, wink. Okay, pretend I’m winking because I can’t wink reactively.) So let me tell you how it works.
And really quickly, as you’re reading this, if you’re thinking, Hey. You know … I would actually like to hop on a call with this guy and have him tell me exactly how to run my ads and my strategies, you should book a call below because we can do that. It’s neat.
Let’s get going.
Why Don’t Most Cold Ads Work?
Alright, guys, the first thing you understand is why most cold ads don’t work. Cold ads are simply when you’re running an ad to someone who’s never seen you before. Obviously, there are a lot of disadvantages… The person doesn’t trust you, they don’t know, and they’ve never seen you before. And a lot of times, they aren’t even your target demographic because your targeting is kind of a little bit broader than it needs to be, specifically on YouTube.
This leads to a trifecta of hard.
Now, I’m not saying cold ads can’t work on YouTube. I’ve scaled campaigns to over $10 million a year on YouTube with like 95% cold traffic. It’s just hard. So look, if you’re a person that just wants extra money from your business, or you just want an easy way to get started with ads, this is just perfect for you.
Here’s Exactly What You Need to Do:
Make Videos on YouTube About the Topic That You’re Selling
For example, I’ll just be straight with you. I’m doing this 100% on this channel, and it works like crazy. It is free money. What you do is make videos about whatever your topic is. So if you’re a makeup artist or something, you make videos doing makeup. Then we can easily go into the YouTube ad manager and target people that watch our channel.
It’s that easy. It’s that simple.
More importantly, in your videos, you can then also go and leave links in the videos. When people click these links, you can use this to make a Facebook custom audience.

So what are these people? Well, they’re the definition of “easy to market to” because, unlike cold traffic, once they watch your video, they go to warm in the best way possible.
1) They’ve already consumed content to buy from you.
2) They’re your target market.
3) They’re actively watching and consuming these types of videos on YouTube.
Okay, you put this all together and you have a badly drawn easy metaphor.
How exactly do you do this? It’s quite, quite simple, my young padawan. I also want to point out that I can also make similar audiences to people watching those videos. So for example, there’s a similar audience we created from this is just people very similar that watch my channel. You can see $10,000 in and $26,000 profit out.

That’s cool. With the rate we’re running at right here, that’s an extra couple $100,000 a year for just making YouTube videos on my channel.
This is how we do it. You’re gonna come up here to “tools and settings” in your ad manager.
You’re gonna go to “audience manager” and hit “add YouTube users.”
Now, you’re going to need to connect your YouTube channel to AdWords first. I’m just going to name this one “Doozy McSnoozy drinks too much boozy.” We’re not going to spell right in this blog.
So we’re going to choose “viewed any video from a channel” or just “viewed the channel.” Okay, so we can do “viewed certain videos,” as well.
So for example, if I made a video talking about bowling techniques. In one video, I talk about bowling gloves. Then I can make an audience of people that are literally just watching the bowling gloves video and then sell them bowling gloves. Okay?
What I suggest you do at this point is you would probably want to use “the last 30 days.” I would also make multiple audiences, and I’d make it “people that have watched in the last seven days, 30 days, 90 days.” And if you want to be tedious as hell, “540 days.”
Who Has Viewed Your Channel?
This is gonna give us a total audience of everyone who’s viewed the channel, everyone that’s recently viewed the channel, and everyone who has midterm viewed the channel. Obviously, the people that just watched the videos, your magic secret goose if you want the ROI, are going to be in the seven days area right here.

That’s almost it.
And then what you want to do is run ads for whatever you’re selling in the first place.
The reason why I wanted to show you this very quickly, guys, is because I see so many influencers and people that don’t have, you know, 40 million views a video. You’re not Mr. Beast, okay. However, you are getting decent views on your videos—500 to 5000+ views.
If you’re not doing this, you’re literally refusing free money because it costs you nothing to advertise to these people and the ROI is so high. It’s very hard not to make money from your current subscribers or viewers. To put this in more perspective, you can go and get people that have subscribed to your videos if you want an even higher ROI. Or you can even do it with people that have liked your videos. These are people that not only watched your video but liked it.
You Must Learn How to Do Cold Traffic & Scale Your Ads
Again, you need to learn how to do cold traffic and scale your ads, and if you want to do that, there’s literally an entire free YouTube course on my channel that shows you how I scaled an ad campaign to $25,000 per day. You can also book a call with me, and I’ll break down everything you need to be doing on YouTube ads and Facebook ads.
That being said, you need to learn how to do cold traffic because if you want to get really in the big bucks and scale a business this is a lot slower than I think it needs to be. Mastering cold traffic is the way to go. If you’re just starting off in ads, using this to generate your custom audiences on YouTube, and then using people that click on links to your videos to create custom audiences on Facebook, it is just such an easy way to run ads.
Create a Lookalike Audience
You can also create a similar audience. Once you create this audience, what you’re going to see is that YouTube automatically creates these similar audiences. So these are old ones right here, and they’re empty.

But you’re going to see something very similar to this pop up in there as soon as you create these audiences. And then that will start to grow as well.
You’re probably going to need a couple thousand people for it to go and create these similar ones. But you saw the results I got before with it. And this is by far the easiest way to run ads on YouTube that are profitable.
Using Accurate Data Is a Must
On top of that, you need to notice one thing. I am literally not using AdWords stats when I’m optimizing my ads. I go off of Hyros’s stats because this is accurate data—especially after the last iOS crash. (It just happened. It’s knocking out Facebook and YouTube’s data.) I go and see the things that Facebook and YouTube can’t report on, and then we plug this back into their systems to make it better.
But more importantly, you can see I’m actually optimizing around profits. And then the actual calls came in. For example, YouTube just caught 25 calls right here.

It can’t even catch the profit since these calls are closed over the phone but Hyros can.
If you’re not optimizing around accurate data and your actual profit, you’re optimizing around some really weird stats. If you’re not optimizing for profit—like literally, most people are—what are you doing?
That’s it, guys. If you want to actually hop on a call with me where I break down a strategy for you and learn how you should actually be running your business specifically on YouTube because you’re a unique snowflake, go below and book a call.
Check out all the free courses at the bottom of this video as well as in the description area. There’s a YouTube course, a Facebook course, and all sorts of other videos related to what I’ve taught in this blog. It’s all for free. And be sure to subscribe because we’re uploading videos every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
So this has been Becker. Till then, take it easy, stay out of jail, and don’t do anything bad.
If you are interested in obtaining the same stats I showed in this video and even having us help you set this up, GO HERE to get more information on HYROS.
Ad Training and Tactics
While I do not sell courses, I do offer a private coaching program where I train people on the ad strategies I have used to build multiple 8 figure and 7 figures businesses. You can get more details on that HERE.
HYROS Facebook Group
It’s really simple. This group is the best media buyer Facebook group online because we make sure that every member is spending significant ad spend before joining. It’s for veteran ad buyers only and because of that the networking/information being shared is on another level. You can apply to join HERE
Here Are Our FULL Zero To Scaled Ad Courses (Free)
The Zero To SCALED Facebook Ads Course (Advanced FB Scaling)
The Zero To SCALE Youtube Ads Course (Advanced YT Scaling)
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