The HYROS ZERO To Scaled YouTube Ad Course
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Vid 1 : The Cores To A Mega Profitable Campaigns
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Hey, this is Alex Becker. You’re going to get exactly what’s in the title of my blog.
The Only Guide To Creating And Scaling Profitable YouTube Ads You’ll Ever Need
I’m not going to beat around the bush, I’m gonna dive straight into this. And no, there’s nothing for sale. I’m qualified to write this guide because I’ve scaled my business to over a million a month cash—mostly from YouTube ads (not gross imaginary numbers). On average, we spend about $300,000 to $400,000 a month on ads, so I know a thing or two about it.
And …
This has made me the greatest advertiser of all time!!! [crowd cheers in the background]
Okay, not really, but it makes me competent enough to write this series, which is going to be a multi-part series showing you how to start an ad from scratch, how to build the funnels, how to write the ads, how to build the ads, and then most importantly, the exact steps you need to take when starting off an ad, getting it to middle ground (like $1000 to $3000 a day), and then how to take it all the way to $10,000, $20,000 a day ad spend.
Now, I don’t think you’re gonna make a million dollars by reading this. But I do think you’re gonna have everything you need to build successful YouTube ads. To knock out any criticism or skepticism before we get going, What’s the catch? Alex, why are you doing this?
I have the best advertising sales tracking system on planet Earth at Hyros. And when you go through this guide, if you use Hyros you make a lot more money, it works for you. Hopefully, you’ll think about us when you’re wondering how to actually track your ads so that you can get accurate sales data that allows you to scale your ads further and make even more money.
That’s out there now. So I’m not gonna hold anything back. Let’s dive into this.
Okay, guys. Welcome to the whiteboard of truth and justice … where a lot of justice is dispensed. So much justice in fact, that it’s been over-justified and just become the ugliest presentation in history, man. That’s what happens when you crater this hard with justice.
Hopefully, you don’t mind the ugliness of my illustrations because, again, it’s just the overabundance of justice.
Scaling Youtube Ads
Let’s talk about YouTube ads and how we can actually scale them. That being said, we need to first understand that the key to scaling any advertising campaign does not come down to the advertising campaign. Yes, the advertising campaign has to be good. But you will not scale anywhere, you will not grow, and you will never be able to scale anything unless you have perfectly designed your offer to work with paid traffic.
You must understand the principles of the audiences on paid traffic and the price, the angle at which you’re selling your offer, and who it can be sold to. I see so many people putting the chicken before the egg. Well, that’s a very poor metaphor. What I’m trying to say is you need to have this offer and everything squared away.
It has to be ready to go, or it’s not going to work. It is like trying to get into the NBA. When you’re 5’2”, it’s going to be so difficult. You want to start off with every advantage you have possible. It is almost impossible to scale up or make any ad campaign work when the offer is not designed to work with paid traffic, YouTube traffic in this instance. That’s what we’re going to cover first in this blog.
You can have the best targeting, you could have the best landing page, you can have the best everything … And it is not going to work unless the numbers line up, the product lines up, and everything is set up.
You cannot go out there and do this with your ducks not in order. This is not Old MacDonald’s farm with a duck duck here and a duck duck there. If your ducks over here and over there and everywhere, then everything’s going to crash. Again, it’s not going to work.
Alright, none of my metaphors make much sense. So I’m just going to start explaining the keys.
The first thing you need to realize before you do any of this is that there are three types of people on any ad platform. You will be crushed on YouTube if you don’t get this. You have a small, highly targeted, invested audience. Then you have the semi-invested audience who’s like, I kind of want to do this. And then you have everybody else on Planet Earth.
You also need to understand who you’re marketing to when pricing it. For example, if you’re marketing a supplement funnel, it needs to be marketed and priced differently than a funnel that helps people grow their real estate business. So, know your audience.
When you try to talk to everybody like you would talk to a highly invested person, it’s not going to work. And I see everybody do this. It’s not compatible with any type of scale. So I’m gonna explain this using the real estate niche.
Stop Scaling The Same Offer To Everyone
Let’s say we want to target people that want to flip real estate. That’s our product that helps people. There are three different types of people here. There are going to be real estate investors, people that are invested in this product. There are going to be people that want to start a business. And then there are people that want more money. Now, you can scale very deeply with all of them.
But the thing is, you cannot scale the same offer to all of them. Here’s what I see people do constantly. Because they operate at a low scale on Facebook, they try to pitch a product that has been selling on Facebook. You can target people very accurately. I can find just real estate agents with no problem on Facebook. I can even target people that like certain real estate products, or whatever.
The number one problem I see people make is they try to make an offer for people that want to start a business, or they try to market it to people who are highly invested in the business, or they try and market to people that are wanting to make money in general and just want a side income, they don’t want to start a business.
The flip side of this is that these people want to start a business, and they can go anyway. This is one of the most competitive, difficult markets to scale in. This person might want to start a social media business, they might want to start a Shopify business, they might want to start a consulting business, and everybody is trying to convince them to start a business.
You want to find people that are not looking to start a business because those people aren’t looking. Or you want to find people that are highly invested. These are the people that you’re going to be able to sell to. If you’re going to market like this, you have to understand who you’re talking to.
You can’t market to a person looking for online jobs and say, “You should start a business.” No, it’s not gonna work. Okay, you have to understand that our job is to convince them to start a business, and then sell them something to help them start that business.
Our job, if we’re selling to people that already want to start a business, is to convince them that our business model is the best. And if we’re selling to people that are already highly invested, our job is to help them do better. You cannot run these offers loosey-goosey. You have to know exactly who you’re talking to.
And so what I see all the time is people try to sell to both of the smaller audiences because they’re not going to buckle down. They want to get their pieces of the pie, so they’re going to try to sell to both of these customers. None of the pieces of this proverbial pie want exactly what the other pieces want.
So it’s not going to work.
They’re also going to try to create a product priced for one or two groups and then try to sell to all three groups in the pie. If you are in a small niche like real estate investors, the guys average $50,000 to $200,000 a year in income, you want to sell these people a $5,000 to $10,000 offer because there aren’t very many of them. This has to be super, super targeted. Something like, “We consistently coach real estate investors and help them double their ROI.”
That’s how you can go and scale this market up. Each group of people needs something completely different, the language is completely night and day. Some of these people have no interest in starting a business, they just want to make some extra money. And so you can still have a higher ticket offer.
And you can have any type of offer out there. Let’s say we have a $1,000 offer, but it has to be to people that aren’t even considering starting a business. And if you try to go and play the middle ground, you’re just going to lose. So go to the extreme-targeted for easy scaling or go to the extreme-broad. Those are the easiest places to scale.
This applies to anything. Let’s say your offer is intermittent fasting. You do not want to play to the middle ground with people that kind of want to lose weight. You want to play to a person who is not eating for seven days at a time and wants to find the highest of high-tier coaching or find people that want to look better.
You want to go super broad or super-mega targeted. So for intermittent fasting, we’d have like a $297 high-tier coach for the experts only, or maybe a $997 offer where they get consulting from you and it’s really, really high-tier that teaches people how to reverse diseases and such with intermittent fasting.
Or you want to have a product that is solely focused on helping a person that’s been having trouble losing weight, they’re eating pizza and pastrami, and mac and cheese as their main source of food. Or maybe you want to help people that have never even heard of intermittent fasting and aren’t even sure they want to lose weight.
The point is that you must go mega-broad, or you must go hyper-targeted. And the price must dramatically increase and the offer must target each specific people group…
That’s how you scale. It’s so hard to scale in the middle, don’t even try. It’s not gonna work. It might work, but it’s gonna be so painful. The offers are so completely different. And it’s just hard.
And then also when you look at middle groups the traffic isn’t that heavy. And the people are looking all over the place for loosey-goosey things. You can mold them, or you can hop on what they’re already doing. You don’t want to go after people who are transitioning or making up their own minds because targeting them is super hard. Getting them to make up their mind is not going to work. You want to wait until the person commits.
As always there are exceptions to this rule, I’m just going to tell you the easiest way to scale and make money.
Now when it comes to pricing your offer, it depends on the niche.
For example, if we’re in supplements or a broad niche that applies to a mass market, like where everybody that wants a six-pack, there are a billion people in that niche. So we can make a lower ticket offer because we can go a little bit further with an offer like this when it comes to going broad.
Okay, so if we had a funnel, with a $37 product, a $97 product, and a $297 product, this could work. This is not going to work in a niche where there are only 100,000 people, you’re just going to run out of people.
You need to think about how big your niche is. If your niche has a billion people on it, a lower ticket funnel is probably the funnel you want to run with.
You also have to look at how people view the product and comparable products. For example, in growing your education, the product is going to be $1000, $5000, or $10,000, but you have to look at the niche size.
If you look at Tai Lopez, for example, most of his entry offers are like $9 or something. They were super cheap. It’s not $2, but it’s like $9, $15, $47. Why is he doing that? He’s targeting the big broad, everybody-makes-money-out-there niche. That’s how he makes that work.
But if you really narrow down to a person who’s doing coaching offers, then you might want to look at someone offering a $10,000 product. You’ve got to think about that pricing.
Now, the last thing I want to tell you before you scale is having a high-ticket product makes things easier. If we were running a real estate offer, we got 100 real estate agents to do it, and we’re selling a $99 offer, then we could get ten people to buy it. That’s $1,000.
What you must understand is that we could probably get one of those ten agents to buy that $5,000 product. We could just say screw the other nine people, we’re going to focus on getting that agent. And this is actually going to get us more money in the long run.
When you have high-ticket sales like this, it allows you to charge more on the front end, making it easier for your margins to work. (This isn’t the case in every niche out there.) You don’t need a ton of customers to make this happen.
So if I’m going out there with a $3,000 product, and I spend $2,000 on ads, it’s going to be hard for me to get 20 sales of a $99 product. It’s just not going to work. But it’s pretty easy for me to get one $3,000 sale. This is just something you want to keep in mind.
The more money you can take in on that front-end funnel, the easier it is going to be to scale. The more money you can get from a single customer in your funnel, the easier it’s going to be to scale. When you focus on maximizing the ROI from a single customer, that’s going to cover all the other customers. This makes it easier to scale.
I’ve had tons of difficulty scaling $47 offers or reoccurring $19-a-month offers. This is very hard to work with, you want to do these in your back end. That being said, I’ve had great success over and over and over again with high-ticket products. You need to think about how you can have the most expensive product in your niche for the people you’re targeting.
What Funnel Type Do You Want To Use?
If you’re doing high-ticket, you’re probably going to want a webinar, a book, or a sales video that tells people to book a call. This is mainly directed at business niches and works really well with b2b because you don’t have massive amounts of traffic to work with. So you need to really maximize it. A sales video or call is going to work a lot of times because it’s gonna allow you to sell that $5,000 offer.
Now, webinars work really well for the general public when you’re trying to get people to start businesses, or you’re trying to get people to improve their education or something that’s related to them making more money. You’re going to have a very hard time convincing someone to pay $2,000 for something to get a six-pack because that’s not worth $2,000 to them.
On the other hand, if you want to sell a $2,000 course showing people how to get a raise at work and that people can consistently go out there and increase their income by $10,000 a year, then you can justify that. It has to be a justification for the payoff. Most people cannot afford to invest $2,000 dollars in something if they’re not going to see $10,000 back.
If you’re doing something where you’re going to be improving someone’s health, you’re helping people with dating, or you’re doing anything that’s not related to money, what I’m going to suggest you do is have a sales video with upsells.
So you have the first product, it’s maybe $37, and you have another product that’s $67. After that, you have another product that’s $297. This type of funnel is going to work better. These price points right here are going to work better when you’re scaling, especially if you’re an E-commerce.
I have seen webinars for improving your gut health. For example, Dr. Axe ran a webinar where he had a $197 product that he sold via webinar. The bottom line is that you’re really going to have to find the funnel that works best for you.
Your main goal when you’re starting your ads is to find your maximized funnel. You shouldn’t be running ads, you shouldn’t be trying to scale anything until you know what is the very best funnel for you to scale with.
You need to understand that you cannot be scaling three or four funnels at a time. That doesn’t work. That’s insane. That is the absolute definition of madness.
Here’s the next thing I want you to understand before you dive into this. First off, when you’re starting up traffic, you have to find that maximized funnel. You just have to, okay? Maybe it’s going to be an upsell funnel, maybe it’s gonna be a webinar, or maybe it’s gonna be a call to sale.
You need to think about the thing you can also see yourself working on for the next five years because the way you beat everybody else with your ads is not by going out there and creating a magical funnel or trying ten different things. It’s finding one funnel that makes sense to you.
You can make any of these types of funnels work. In some niches, for example, you could have someone who wants to get a six-pack and they hop on a call with you. You’re selling them personal training, and personal consulting, where you’re gonna hop on calls with them weekly. This can be like a $497 sale.
There are all sorts of different funnels. You could sell a lower ticket, personal training. You could sell a higher ticket, personal training product. You’ve just got to figure out which funnel makes the most sense to you. And if you’re reading this, you probably already have a few sales funnels and whatnot that you want to do. This is not beginner training. So I’m not going to focus on all the beginner tactics.
That being said, the way you win at ads is not by having ten different funnels, it’s by having the most optimized, down to the .0001% funnel. You have to understand that you’re not going to be able to split your time and focus between five different funnels.
Don’t Scale Too Many Products At One Time
This is the number one mistake I see advertisers make. They’re trying to scale all different products at once. It’s not going to work. One of my info funnels has done over a million a month in sales. But there is no way on planet Earth that I could have done three funnels like that, it just wouldn’t work.
So once you find your funnel that works, you’re going to be working on this thing for years because the scale is going to consistently drop as you scale up. The margins are going to consistently drop as you scale up. Every single time the margin drops, you have to re-optimize something, and you’re just gonna have to keep optimizing and optimizing to that .0001% that nobody else wants to go to with their products.
Nobody does this. Nobody is going into the follow-up emails in their funnels and optimizing delivery by another 2- 3%. Nobody is going in there and split testing five different ways to start their ad to save 5% on their ads. Nobody is going out there and split testing ten different pages unless they’re only working on one funnel.
You can’t do that. You’re not going to. There are too many variables if you’re working on five different things. So you need to find a funnel and a sales strategy that you’re going to solely focus on because you have to optimize everything to the .0001%, or it’s not going to work long-term.
It’s so hard to create a profitable campaign that works for six months. That’s why you don’t see anybody doing it. And the ones that do are because those are incredibly optimized. All the people that you follow, the people who do incredible numbers from their ads, it’s because they got that one ad, and then they just hyper-optimized it.
For example, last week, I was split testing my loading page times and the fonts on my opt-in page. And then I went in email by email and made sure that each email was delivering at the optimal amount and had the best headline for the open rates. That’s a two-day or three-day ordeal just testing those emails.
And you can’t do that if you’re doing five different funnels. And this is how you win. Because what you need to understand next is that when you’re scaling, you are going to be operating at a 20 – 30% profit margin sometimes.
You might be incredible, and you don’t even need this campaign. If you’re operating at 400% and $20,000 per day, by all means, tell me why you are watching this video! However, if you’re not spending $20- to $25,000 a day, I’m going to tell you that you want to be operating at a 20- to 30% profit margin.
This allows you to get leads into your business. And if you have a back end of any kind, everything after that is pure profit. You need to have a 20- to 30% cash-in profit before payment plans, and before gross numbers. Do not ever operate off gross numbers.
(I’m stealing this a little bit from Sam Ovens who was one of the people that really worked this into my head.)
Again, you need to have a 20- to 30% profit margin. And if you’re not optimized to the .0001% as you scale, this profit margin is gonna get eliminated. You optimize by doing micro things, like increasing email efficiency, loading page times, and improving your opt-in pages. This is where the 20- to 30% comes from.
It isn’t just some big change where you put a green button on your page and have a magical pitch or you put a special coupon code on your product and then you’ll see a 30% profit margin increase. That’s not where it is. You optimize by these two percentage points at a time. That’s where this margin comes from.
If you do this 30 times across a year … if you have these 2% increases that your competitors don’t, then that’s why you can beat them in ad spending. That’s how it works.
You must get that in place. Find out the funnel that connects with you. You’re going to have to play around with that. When we get into the low-scale advertising, you can kind of split test your funnels and find the offer that works for you. You find the one that you get traction on.
For example, for one funnel that I have, I built a webinar. I was doing a few different webinars and this particular one was getting a little bit more of an ROI than our other webinars. So I cut every single other webinar out.
And that’s what drives me nuts—when I see other people running multiple products or multiple webinars. No, no, no. Find the one that is working best, and kill everything else. Get the one that’s working best to the point where it’s making hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars a month, and then maybe think about opening up other stuff.
If something can make you $500,000 to a million a month in ads and that’s all it takes, why have five different things? That’s what you must keep in mind. Always default to simple, because it is hard to scale complicated. That’s important.
Finally, the number one thing that sells products in ads is going to be results. Results are going to sell your product and help you scale.
The reason why our product does so well is that we have so many results. The one thing I must stress is that if you want your ads to work long-term, you must get your customers results. You must be a fanatic about your customers.
So many people try to out-market their crappy products. They’re like, “Okay, this product does not work. We have a 1% customer result rate and no one’s happy with it. It’s a supplement that has no noticeable results … It’s an info product that doesn’t work for anybody … What are we going to do? This product sucks …”
And then they make their ridiculous decision.
“Well, we’re just going to make an incredible ad and an incredible funnel! It’s going to make everything okay!”
No. Not okay. That is not going to work long-term. It is so easy to scale a business where the results are there because of the word of mouth, people talking, and people viewing that just it snowballs on top of itself.
Here’s what happens with nearly every business I see out there. I see so many info marketers or people flipping supplements or something. And they have this business with this product that promises all these amazing things. So they get this initial boost in ads, and get excited, like, “Woah. We’re working at 200% ROI!”
Mmhmm. That’s fantastic. Look, you must understand that when you first kick off your ad, you’re gonna see the 200%, even 400% margins because all your early adopters, your current customers—this is everyone buying. All the people you see posting on Facebook that go 400- 500% ROI? This is the initial influx of customers buying.
As soon as you get the scale or any amount of ad fatigue, this is going to plummet. And you’re gonna get to the point where you have to convince people that we’re not going to be your customer to buy. These people are going to be convinced by the results.
They’re going to be convinced by results.
On top of that, if you have a business, if you want to make more money, get your customers to come back and buy more stuff or complete their payment plans. What happens if your business people aren’t completing payment plans? They’re refunding a whole lot.
If the results are not there, you’re not gonna be able to grow it. I want to stress the scale. You must be able to convince people that we’re not intending to be your customer. You cannot scale a business around only warm traffic, it’s just not going to work.
And that’s why most people fail. If they’re selling something like a supplement that’s based around intermittent fasting. The people that are super gung-ho intermittent fasters are going to try that out because they buy everything that’s on the market. Then when you get to the point where you’re dealing with intermittent fasters who don’t buy everything on the market, it’s going to plummet.
If you’re trying to base your sales numbers on those people, you must be able to find the intermittent fasters that have no intention of buying your product. You must be able to convince people that aren’t even thinking about doing intermittent fasting. That’s how you hit scale. And you cannot do that without results and an extremely good product.
So before you start running ads, sit down with your damn customers and make sure they’re getting results. Make sure they are incredibly happy. Make sure they’re giving you testimonials you can use in your advertising. If you have no testimonials, or you have one guy saying he took your supplement one time and he sort of felt a little bit better, or you have someone that’s just wishy-washy with their kudos, that’s not going to cut it.
You Must Have An Overabundance Of Results.
If you have these things, you’re now in a position to scale an ad campaign. And so what I want to stress to you before starting is that you first know who your target audience is and only market to these people. Your product—everything—has to be aligned with that.
If you are targeting real estate agents, don’t sell them a low-ticket, “how to start a real estate business” thing. If you’re selling to everybody on planet Earth, you need to not structure your offer as a real estate offer, you need to structure it as a “way to make extra side income” offer.
If you’re trying to help people get a six-pack and you’re selling to people that are highly invested because they’re already working out, it could be a $497 phone-close, personal training consultation. If you’re selling to people that don’t really exercise, it needs to be something like, “how to lose weight fast,” and it needs to be a lower ticket offer.
I repeat. You need to understand who you’re marketing to. You can’t crossover and make one product for everybody. That’s what everybody tries to do.
The next thing you need to be able to do is to find the funnel that works for you best. You need to find the funnel that gives you the most traction and just commit to that funnel.
Third, you need to take a step back when you create your product. Too many marketers are like, “Hey, we just spent two weeks making this product …” Remember, it’s okay to run a beta of your product. It’s okay to run test ads.
For example, when I’m running a new product, I won’t design the whole product every single time. I’ll run it to a small sample audience and see if people actually buy this thing and spend money on it. That’s fine.
When you start to get serious with your ads, the product better be lined up as hell. You need to have results, get people in, and start selling your product organically. First, get those incredible results, have a Facebook group of all your customers, and if you sell to ten people, ten people should be giving you amazing results.
Now at scale, you’re not gonna have 100% results with every single customer that comes in from your product. You’re not gonna have 1,000 people hop in and everyone leaves you a testimonial. You should really try for that though.
And until you have a group and you can sell your product to ten people and those ten people get a result if you work with them and you focus on them, you don’t have a good product. You need to have a good product in order to scale.
You can scale some garbage, but it’s going to be so hard to scale—especially if you’re not the world’s greatest advertiser. I’m not the world’s greatest advertiser, but our product works and we can demonstrate results. So you need to go out and get those results first, and then you are in a position to scale. Now you’re in a position to grow your business and scale the funnel.
This is one little bonus tip right here. On YouTube, you either have to go super targeted or super broad. You do not want to target middle-ground audiences. These are hard people to win over, it’s not really going to work.
When you want to go super targeted, you sell a $5,000 offer to real estate investors only who have a certain amount of money invested. When going broad, you need to have a product that appeals to the person you walk past at Walmart or Whole Foods. It has to be people that aren’t thinking about starting a business.
Understand that when you go broad, it means convincing people that have no intention of being your customer. You’re not going to scale to the moon with people that just want to buy your product and are buying everything on the market. You need to be able to convince skeptics and people that are not naturally going to be picking up your product on their own.
Once you have all of this, now you’re ready to move to the next part. For part two, I’m gonna be talking about ad design, funnel design, and more importantly, we’ll be talking a little bit about tracking.
That’s it, guys. This has been Becker, CEO of Hyros.
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