28 May 2024

Critical Feature DROP! – Revenue Forecasting

Group 2



HYROS can now use your existing processor and attribution data (Stripe and Shopify) to PREDICT the FUTURE revenue & purchases of each new lead, call, sales and subscription that enters your business.

Instantly buy ads and traffic based on the FUTURE revenue it’s likely to generate. See these stats LIVE in your reports and HYROS chrome extension just like any other stat to make REAL TIME hyper profitable long term decisions on the fly.

If you are a new customer, we can use your existing data to instantly create these future revenue calculations.

If you are a older customer we can COMBINE your attribution with your existing processing data to create calculations not just by past payment data but based on the BEHAVIOR & source of the customer.

For example you can see instantly if customers from Tik Tok or Facebook spend more over time. This will reflect in your forecasted revenue data attributed back to sources.

Here are a few examples:

Free trials & Subscriptions : HYROS will first attribute where your free trials came from. It will then use your EXISTING business data to accurately predict the future revenue of each trial based on your past data and the customers behaviour.

E-Com Sales : HYROS can look at your past Shopify/Stripe data to predict the future purchases and revenue a customer will generate. HYROS will use your past payment data AND attribution to create these forecasts down to the source & behaviour of the customer.

Calls/Demos/Leads : HYROS can look at the behaviour of leads entering the business and compare their past payment behaviour. HYROS can then create a value per lead/call entering your business.

Digital Sales : Similar to all use cases above HYROS can instantly use your payment and attribution data to predict the future revenue you will generate from a customer.

In short : You can instantly see that a $10 sale will generate you $100 more ACCURATELY using HYROS data. You can then attribute this future $100 instantly to your traffic sources. You can then use this to buy ads based on FUTURE potential revenue for a near FUTURE guaranteed ROI.

This is an absolute key to long term profitable traffic buying and this data used to take TONS of calculations/leg work to get. Now you have it instantly and effortlessly in your traffic reports.


Here is a full documentation on how to set this up in your HYROS account.


If you have any questions please ask your rep in the lower right hand corner in your account. We are standing by to help.