Use These Images On Facebook Ads For MASSIVE Increases In Clicks/Conversions
What I’m about to show you is basically like using sugar to attract ants. If you apply what I’m going to show you to your images on Facebook ads, even on your YouTube videos, whatever you’re doing, you’re gonna get significantly more clicks, you’re gonna attract more people.
It’s just that simple. This is just the basics. But nobody knows this, nobody uses this. The basics of getting the human eye to pay attention to something, and then making the human brain go, I’m interested in finding out more about this.
If you follow this very simple pattern that every single top YouTuber uses and apply it to ads, you’re gonna get more clicks, you’re gonna get cheaper clicks, you’re gonna get more of your target audience paying attention to your ad, you’re gonna get the people that you want to click your ad to actually click on your ad. I cannot make it any more simple.
And the reason why I know this is I’ve grown multiple businesses to eight figures exclusively using ads. I’m the CEO of Hyros, which means I see the data across the entire ad industry and I see what’s working.
I have the highest six-, seven-, and eight-figure result ratio of my ad mastermind—of any ad mastermind line—meaning I work with tons of other people that are running tons of ads, and I see exactly what’s working and I see what doesn’t work.
What I’m gonna show you in this blog is exactly what works. So let’s just dive into this because frankly, this is probably going to be one of the most important marketing lessons you ever learn. It’s simple, and it applies to virtually anything. Whether you’re making YouTube video thumbnails or Facebook ad thumbnails or if you’re trying to get a person’s attention, you need to understand how the human eye works, what it’s going to think, and how it behaves.
Concepts to Understand When Working with Facebook Ad Images
Look, when you’re making images specifically for your ads, you need to understand a few simple concepts (which happen to apply to anything). When a person is skimming through something, you need to understand that the eye must focus on one thing. So the focus of an image must be on one thing.
What you need to happen is the way the image should work. The first thing that should happen is something centralized that grabs the person’s main attention. And then there needs to be something that creates a question—maybe it can be the image itself, which simply is happening in the image alone.
It’s usually going to be something besides the image that’s going to create that significant question. It makes them go, What is going on here? I’m interested … Okay? That is the most important thing when making an image for an ad.
And then what you’re going to get them to do when you’re making an ad is to interact and understand what they’re clicking on, what they’re going for with the headlines, or maybe the headlines that you’ll start playing in the video of the ad, as well. See, what a lot of people do with their images is try to fit the entire message into an image all at once.
So they have a picture of themselves, then they’ll have some headline on it. And then they’ll have some other image in another spot. There are so many things going on. This doesn’t pull the eye into anything. It makes it very easy to scroll past and very easy to ignore.
What NOT To Do…
An example of this would be the following ad:

Now, there are all sorts of bad things going off this headline. There are a zillion different things happening. We’ve got this pink thing, we’ve got this guy standing around, and we’ve got a headline. Nothing, in particular, creates a question of “What’s happening here?” or “What’s going on?” And most importantly, there’s nothing for the eye to settle on. So you’re just gonna scroll right past this thing.
So, we keep going and looking at other images. Okay, now we’ve got Yoda.

It’s a very bland image. There’s nothing here to create the “What’s going on here?” You know immediately this is an ad, but it doesn’t pique your interest. And there’s nothing, no main benefit or anything, to really call out to the person.
Is There A Better Way To Pique Interest With Your Ads?
Now, let’s look at the master of getting this done. It’s Mr. Beast.

So if you don’t look at any of his videos, what’s happening in all these images right here? Let’s not even look at the headline yet. We have a picture of him in a coffin that’s very bright. You’ll notice that everything is extremely bright in the image.
Why? Because this captures a person’s attention. Bright things attract the eye. You notice really bright colors in every single image. That’s one huge takeaway right there: Bright colors capture attention.
The next thing you really want to focus on when you’re looking at this is the fact that there is one central thing going on in the image or something to pull your eye in each time—at least in the best-performing ones.
You can see this one right here.

Boom. Right in the center of the screen. Boom. One key image that’s going on right here. You see him eating this golden ice cream. It makes you wonder what’s going on.
You got him in this stack of stuff right here.

None of these images describe exactly what’s happening in the video. You need to look at that. It’s very important. None of these describe what’s happening in the video. And so when you see people putting giant headlines and all these extra things, these headlines aren’t doing anything to create a question. They aren’t doing anything to create interest.
The whole point of an image—whether you’re using it on Facebook or on Youtube, it doesn’t matter—is to create interest, to get a person to read the headline, and then want to see what’s happening next.
Create Interest. Get Them To READ The Headline And WANT To See What’s Next.
Let’s check out some of my images on my YouTube channel. You can see this one right here.

This video did very, very, well. Why? Why do my videos consistently do very well? Well, because the images create interest. You see me right here with Bitcoin in my eyes, saying, “Oh, my God” creates interest. What’s going on here?
Here, you can see a picture of me with sunglasses on. I have a picture of ADA the cryptocurrency, and I have “Really bad” above it. What’s going on here?

The point of the image is to get a person to go, “What’s going on?” It’s not to convince the person to click or to sell to them. So when you’re doing this on Facebook, it’s extremely crucial to have a very powerful benefit in the headline and the text because that’s what you’re going to get people to do.
Let’s look at a few of my image ads. Pay attention to this because this is super important. When you’re running video ads, it is key for your thumbnail to have these qualities. Let’s look at this right here.

This is a really good example of a great image in an ad. Alright, so you see me holding this little stick. It’s the same exact concept that you see in the Beast videos, the same exact concept you see in my YouTube videos.
But what I’m going to try and do on Facebook ads is a bit different. I always try to use a key focal point to drop people in. This ad just absolutely dominates, and it’s because of this thumbnail right here.
Use A Key Focal Point
For Facebook, you’re not doing content and you’re not gonna do something as interesting as burying yourself for an entire day, right? We’re not doing cat videos here. We need to get people to pay attention to the image by having the central point.
You can even focus on the colors. So if I want to make this image stick out, I would probably have a white background, my image blurred out, an extreme focus on the thumb drive, and make it a very strong, bright blue. That will get the most interaction by far because the central point is obvious and everything else is blurred out and no attention is being dragged from the eye to it.
So what I like to do is have a headline that creates a question or a challenge. You don’t want your headlines to be suggestive or broad. It says, “Our tracking AI will scale your ads or you don’t pay.”
And that, by the way, is the case for Hyros. Literally, if our AI tracking optimization does not scale your ads, you don’t pay. And with iOS 14.5 out and people’s tracking not working accurately, if you’re running ads without Hyros, you’re an insane person because you’re not able to attribute correctly. When you’re not able to attribute correctly, you can’t scale as well, you waste a ton of money. And the AI optimization on Facebook and Google is a mess. So you should check out Hyros below if you get a chance. We literally guarantee you’ll see a 15-20% increase in your ads.
That being said, you can see what I’m doing is using this challenge to get the person to click because this is highly incentivizing them. This is something they badly want. Look, on YouTube, what a person badly wants is to be entertained and to have their ADHD influenced.
So that’s why I’m not making challenges or hooks, or putting crazy things in the thumbnails. Frankly, when people are skimming through thumbnails on YouTube, we really need the eye to settle. I use the challenge of entertainment, like, “Why Cardano will 10x and KILL ETH.” This is a challenge.
Why Should You Put Headlines in Thumbnails on Facebook?
So the reason why I put headlines in thumbnails on Facebook is in order to really zero in on our target audience, our target person. We’re not trying to get everyone to click. This is a big distinction. On YouTube, I want everyone to click, so I’m going to use something kind of broad and anonymous because I want as many views as I can possibly get.
Our goal on Facebook is to draw the person in with the image and then get our target prey to click with a very specific challenge. Again, I use, “Our tracking AI will scale your ads or you don’t pay.” This is a crazy challenge. It’s going to create a massive amount of interest for a very particular type of person.
We don’t want to take this broad approach that we use on YouTube over to Facebook. Take this ad for example.

“Move faster. Build better.” What does that mean? What’s going to happen is when people see an ad, they’re going to notice it, they’re going to have their eye drawn into it, and then notice it’s an ad. So you’d better make a strong case.
When a person clicks an ad, they know they’re not about to be entertained. So you’re not going to lure them in with some viral nova or viral content ploy. You might as well throw that out the window. At that point, we don’t want everybody clicking. We want to attract everyone’s attention, and then get a specific person to click.
How Can You Get The Right Person To Click?
The best way to attract that specific person to click is to tap into them like you can any other human being by using the same concepts that Mr. Beast and other popular YouTubers use in their thumbnails. Once you have everyone’s attention, you want to sort out everybody by making a very clear, benefit-driven challenge.
“Get started free” is not a benefit-driven challenge. “Give technologists a better way to build up skills” is not a specific challenge. Neither of these is going to interest anybody. There’s nothing that’s being delivered here.
So what you want to do is use this simplicity to draw in the eye. You can maybe add something else that creates a little bit of interest. And then what we’re gonna do is add a very specific headline in the top to lay out the benefit that they’re going to get. When a video is playing and feeds, you want to have this right here to remind people what the challenge and benefit of watching is.
Once you’ve drawn in your target audience using this method, you then only need to find a way to keep them. That’s the way you do it with this challenge right here. Saying, “Be the Yoda of ads” or “Get a free trial,” is not going to lure and keep them. The same exact thing goes for the headline. The same exact thing goes for the text. Okay?
What About The Ad Text?
If you go and look at the text on my ads, you’ll see something like, “Using P tracking and AI to optimize and get customers cheaper lets you scale yours. Let me show you the results.” It’s just a straight-up challenge. These are the results you want to see because the only reason people want to buy stuff is they want a click that has results, to see tracking results, and to see how we hyper-scale ads with data plus AI.

One thing I’m also doing right here is not completely describing what we do as a company. Why? Because I need to create that interest to get the click. The result is that they’re going to scale easier and make more money. But I also want to be a little bit mysterious about how we get there. Again, I’m using the same concept as Mr. Beast’s videos where I’m not completely explaining how we’re going to do it.
Yet, I am explaining the result, right? “Cardano will kill Ethereum” is the result. That’s what people are interested in. But they want to know how it’s going to work. So if I say “Cardano will kill ETH because the scaling solutions are better,” it’s going to fall apart because people know what the video is about. If I just say it’s going to kill it, then it’s a completely different thing.
So take these lessons to heart. It’s a very simple lesson that I have for you today. That’s literally it. If you can apply this, you’re gonna see much better results with your ads, your YouTube videos, and anything you do that involves images and capturing people’s attention online.
Now, if you want more training like this, or you’d like to actually see exactly how to build multiple businesses to eight figures almost exclusively on YouTube ads, you should go below and book a call with me. I’ll help you with your ads and give you a scaling strategy.
That also being said, just some shameless selling real quick. Look, if you run ads, you really should just be using Hyros. You need to have proper attribution, you need to be able to make the right decisions by picking the ads that are truly scaling, and actually pick which ads are losing money. Then, you can feed that data back to AI.
You should just check it out. Because we literally guarantee a 15 to 20% increase in your ad ROI. And this is going to allow you to scale so much further. For example, if you just go look at my simple call funnel right here, I actually had 30 calls booked. Google caught 20.

If I made decisions based on Google, this would mean me turning off these ads and making a lot less money. In Hyros, I can even click and see every single person that clicks my ad. With a simple click, I can see their entire click history, everything they did, tracking people for years.
When you don’t use Hyros, you’re making bad decisions through ads, you’re losing money, you’re not scaling effectively, you’re wasting money, and you’re passing bad data to AI. So just book a call.
On top of that, if you want to see how I’ve scaled multiple businesses to eight figures—Hyros, and my last info business if you want to see the exact strategies I do with ads if you want to see exactly how to scale your business with ads a lot more efficiently, book a call with me.
My Iron Ad Mastermind has more 7- and 8-figure results than any YouTube ad or ad mastermind online right now. You should check it out. Both of these have a 90-day refund guarantee. So if they don’t work for you, you don’t pay for him because the results are just that damn good. And that’s why I can do that.
So that’s it, guys. This has been Alex Becker. Subscribe to my YouTube channel. I’ll see you next time.
If you are interested in obtaining the same stats I showed in this video and even having us help you set this up, GO HERE to get more information on HYROS.
Ad Training and Tactics
While I do not sell courses, I do offer a private coaching program where I train people on the ad strategies I have used to build multiple 8 figure and 7 figures businesses. You can get more details on that HERE.
HYROS Facebook Group
It’s really simple. This group is the best media buyer Facebook group online because we make sure that every member is spending significant ad spend before joining. It’s for veteran ad buyers only and because of that the networking/information being shared is on another level. You can apply to join HERE
Here Are Our FULL Zero To Scaled Ad Courses (Free)
The Zero To SCALED Facebook Ads Course (Advanced FB Scaling)
The Zero To SCALE Youtube Ads Course (Advanced YT Scaling)
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