Find More Loyal Customers with Twitter Lookalike Audience Campaigns
Hello there, Hyrolian! Today, I’m here once again to bring you relative content to help you grow your business. Big announcement. Huge. And here it is. Twitter is not dead.
That’s right. Twitter is still alive and kicking. And it’s not wearing polyester pants, a toupée, or adult diapers. Yep. Twitter isn’t just for the geriatric.
Does Twitter pull in the same numbers as Facebook or Instagram? No, definitely not. But it does have several hundred million monthly followers. Those aren’t just any followers. Twitter’s followers are known for being loyal followers. I mean, clearly, they’re loyal … They’ve stuck around even when there are other platforms with a waaay more current audience.
Why does that matter? Because there is something to be said for having a loyal audience. Wouldn’t you like to get your hands on customers who have a propensity toward loyalty? That’s a rhetorical question, okay? Of course, you would. It’s a no-brainer.
And that’s what I’m going to talk to you about today. You can get your hands on more happy customers with Twitter—especially when you use a lookalike audience campaign.
Find More Loyal Customers with Twitter Lookalike Audience Campaigns
Twitter has launched a feature that is good news for your marketing team. Advertisers can benefit from this feature that lets you add a lookalike audience on top of a tailor-made audience.
This added feature allows marketers to engage with prospects based on their Twitter handles, cell phone numbers, email addresses, and mobile advertising IDs. You can use every bit of this information to construct a lookalike audience on Twitter. Nice, huh?
Do You Want to Find More Happy Customers With Twitter?
Twitter is still a popular social media platform, reaching an estimated 326 million users worldwide in 2020. It’s the perfect place for businesses to engage with potential and current customers through conversations, content, and campaigns. One effective way to find more happy customers on Twitter is by using lookalike audience campaigns.
What is a Lookalike Audience?
A lookalike audience is generated using an algorithm that searches Twitter and identifies followers who share similar interests or behaviors with a brand’s existing followers. This audience can then be targeted with ads, creating an opportunity to increase traffic and sales without actively having to seek out new customers.
The Benefits of Utilizing Lookalike Audiences for Your Business
Using a lookalike audience gives brands the chance to expand their reach beyond just organically-acquired followers. Tapping into users who share similar interests or behaviors with their current customer base, it provides marketers with access to potential buyers who wouldn’t otherwise be aware of their product/service offering.
What’s more, when you target audiences similar to your current customers, you can expand your reach and make sure your products or services get seen by the people most likely to be interested in them.
It also helps brands optimize ad costs since fees related to targeting broadly are much lower than fees for targeting specific groups or individuals by hand-picking particular user attributes. Plus, measuring the performance of these campaigns is simple due to comprehensive analytics that comes standard in Twitter Ads Manager’s reporting system.
This unique feature also helps a business reach personalized audiences within seconds, based on data points like location or gender–turning what used to be a long process into an instantaneous one.
To start creating an audience, marketers need to get the list of their active followers with the “Followers List Download” option in the Twitter Ads UI under Clicks and Leads tools. Once they have the CSV file created with their encoded followers, they need to upload it into Twitter Ads Manager along with other relevant parameters such as geography type (ex: country-level targeting). Then they are ready to launch a successful Twitter Lookalike Audience campaign that targets high-potential customers.
By leveraging this tailored audience-building tool, businesses can increase brand awareness while getting leads from qualified prospects that align with their target demographics quickly. To maximize efficiency and restore relationships with inactive users or re-engage former customers who may have lost interest in their product or service, businesses can use these insights from the initial lookalike-audience experiment to further optimize their targeting settings for future campaigns.
To ensure success in their campaigns, businesses should measure conversions accurately and track ROI for each channel which will inform them whether investing more resources in creating different user segments makes sense after all is said and done. Tracking detailed metrics helps them determine which channels should be optimized while others should be removed from campaigns altogether until there is evidence of increased engagement levels over time.
Keeping some parameters constant throughout experimentation helps better evaluate performance changes in real-time whether it’s targeting improvement or messaging refinement-related projects. Lastly, e-commerce sites should ensure consistency between product pages such as pricing, availability, and images displayed across channels since users tend to explore multiple platforms before committing to buy any product/service online.
Alright. Now I’m gonna break this down for you into easy steps. One way or another, I’m getting this information to you.
Steps to Start Creating and Managing Lookalike Audiences on Twitter
Step 1: Start with Your Existing Customer List
The first step to creating a successful Twitter lookalike audience is to start with your existing customer list. This list should include your most engaged customers across all channels, such as those who open emails, click links, and buy products. Use the data in these lists to gain insight into what triggers certain types of behaviors.
Step 2: Identify Your Customers’ Common Behaviors
Now that you have an understanding of your highest-value customers, it’s time to identify common traits among them. Look at things like geography, industry, age group, gender, occupation, interests, etc., and create segments based on characteristics shared by the most successful members of your audience.
For example, do they have similar job titles or experience working in the same industry? Are they clustered geographically? Each segment should be tailored so that it appeals specifically to the preferences of a certain group of individuals.
Step 3: Create Your Lookalike Audiences on Twitter
Once you’ve identified common traits among high-value members of your customer base, it’s time to set up lookalike audience campaigns on Twitter using its targeting capabilities. You can create multiple campaigns targeting lookalikes from different segments while also excluding past customers who may already be familiar with your brand or product.
Step 4: Manage & Optimize Your Campaigns
When launching any advertising campaign– including Twitter lookalikes–you’re gonna want to monitor and adjust performance regularly. Pay close attention to engagement metrics like clicks and impressions as well as cost per acquisition (CPA) when evaluating performance and adjustments are needed to make sure each campaign stays within designated budget limits.
Regularly updating bid amounts may be necessary until optimal ROI levels are achieved. Improvements can also be made by following best practices, like making creative changes, regularly testing new copy and images, or A/B testing various versions distinctly serving each segment.
Step 5: Track Conversions & Scale Campaigns Accordingly
After optimizing campaigns, the next step is tracking conversions so ROI performance can be monitored over time. It’s important to track results seen in the desired actions such as back orders, website form fills, subscription downloads, etc. As performance-improving scale campaigns fund bigger budgets and lead to informed decisions.
That’s All Folks
So, if you are looking for a way to reach more customers on Twitter, then a Twitter Lookalike Audience campaign could be the answer you’re looking for. These campaigns use your existing customer base as a model and create an audience of potential customers that match their profile.
Utilizing lookalikes allows businesses of any size to reach more potential buyers while utilizing large budgets efficiently—a win-win solution that demonstrates why this marketing strategy continues growing in popularity with customer acquisition solutions today.
You can always reach out to me and book a free one-hour consultation. I will hop on a call with you and we will go through your stuff together. And I’ll tell you exactly what I think.
If Hyros is a good fit for you, then I will definitely be mentioning that. As always, keep in mind that you can use Hyros and if it doesn’t work for you, you can get your money back. No harm, no foul.
Well, that’s it for today.
This has been Alex Becker. Thanks for playing. Until next time, have a good one.