The ULTIMATE 10x ROI Facebook Retargeting Funnel
In this post I am going to be breaking down the retargeting process we have been using at HYROS (and to a lesser extent my IRON coaching program) to generate significant ROIS.
Before I really started looking at our customers behavior via HYROS tracking I simply assumed that retargeting campaigns were like a fun “bonus” level in a video game. AKA they were an extra component that could slightly increase sales.
Once I dug into the stats (which you will see in the video below) I realized that at least 40-50% of our phone calls and sales were coming from our retargeting campaigns.
I then greatly expanded the creatives of our campaigns and made 6 different layers of retargeting. Each layer hits the customer from a different angle and attempts to figure out the “objection” the customer had.
Once we put this in place our ad revenue skyrocketed. Often doing 10x cash ROIs the same day BEFORE recurring payments even come into play.
I highly suggest you do this as well.
Video Training
Hey, there. It’s Alex Becker, CEO of Hyros … hoping you could tell by my cool hoodie. (You should have been sent your own when you joined Hyros, as well.)
Look, in this blog, I just want to get into what makes our ads 10x cash profitable. But, of course, that’s before recurring payments even come in.
Look, for the longest time, I thought retargeting ads were like a fun bonus round, something you just tacked on. However, at Hyros and across my other businesses, I’ve seen as much as 40-60% of our sales come from retargeting ad processes, which, as you’ll see here, is very in-depth. There are over six ways that we bring people back and hit them with different objections, closes, and all sorts of structures you’ll see here.
I did that because when I started using Hyros on my ads, I saw that our customers were taking two to three weeks to book calls. So some people didn’t buy any of our products for two months. And I thought to myself, Wow, it’s much cheaper for me to get these people to come back in for $1.50 than getting another person to opt-in at $10.
We have over $40 million in ad spend per month in our Hyros Facebook group. So it’s the best place to be if you’re a media buyer on Facebook.
I’m not even joking.
No other group has the qualifications we do to join and the quality of people inside it. However, we post this training inside there every single week, so that’s another cool perk as well.
I’m telling you this. You might be skeptical because you think this is some Hyros sales pitch. But, no. I want you to scale your ads to make more money so that, A) You get Hyros, and B) When you get Hyros, you can upgrade your account by making more money.
Once you make more money with your business, hopefully, you’ll be like, “Hey, if I track this, I make more money.” And as you make more money, you think you should probably upgrade your account.
That’s it. So it’s in my best interest to just tell you everything now, which is exactly what we’re doing.
Let’s Talk About Retargeting
First, when you see what we’re doing, you’re going to be like, “Whoa, that seems like overkill. That is so much retargeting, man. There are so many different places that get retargeted to incentives. Why are you doing all that?”
Because, if you’re like me, before I started using Hyros to track my customers coming in, I would think, Okay, retargeting is a fun bonus round. We’re going to make an extra 20% more sales. With our high-ticket funnels and other funnels, I see at least 40% to 60% of our sales coming in are from retargeting.
The funny thing is, I see most people who come in. I can see it very clearly in Hyros … They’ll come in, click the first ad, and they don’t book a call with us or buy something for almost two to three weeks on average. This is the same with lower-ticket products.
And the number one way to make your ads work better is to simply make the people that you paid to get into the funnel buy. So let’s imagine we’re paying $10 to get a person in the funnel. Well, every single person that doesn’t buy means you’re losing money.
And I think that’s a pretty obvious statement. But it’s much easier to get this person who already came into the funnel at $10 to purchase by spending an additional $1.50 with extra retargeting than it is to spend another $10 to get another person into the funnel.
There are places where you can consistently know your customer will be hanging out: YouTube, Facebook, or one of the other properties that Google and Facebook own. So you’re always going to be able to follow up.
You have to understand that when people come through a funnel and don’t buy right away, it doesn’t mean they’re not going to buy. I’ve usually seen an ad four to five times. And if you’re like me—and I see the exact same thing with my Hyros tracking—I can look at my calls.
This is the exact same thing for e-commerce, webinar funnels, or standard funnels. But if I go through my calls right here that have come in, which do not lead to sales, you can see most of them come from retargeting.
As you can see, one person came in through one of our meme ads, another person came in from Facebook, and another one came from Instagram. They searched our name on Google through a keyword search.
This person came in through a Facebook ad and then back through another.
Almost half of the ads I went through came with a retargeting ad on top of it. If you look at some of these users’ history, you can see how long it took to make the click. This person clicked the first time in February and didn’t call us until August.
That’s an extreme example. We can keep going.
You need to run retargeting because it costs me like $1.50 extra to get this person through. It just took time. And the most important thing is that I want to attribute the first ad and this retargeting ad right here.
I didn’t want to stop either of them because if I just keep running the retargeting ad, without the other ad, it’s going to slow down my sales.
It’s also very important if you’re a Hyros user, to make sure you’re using your attribution mode. If you want to see this, you want to be in the scientific mode because it is going to get credit. (I usually use the scientific mode.) If the retargeting ad is clicked within 30 days, the first ad is going to get credit. The retargeting ad will get credit if it gets clicked after 30 days.
You’re going to see which ad is much more relevant, and you want to run your ads based on that.
We can also look at the last click and stretch this out. We can even ignore the retargeting so that we won’t see the retargeting ads in our main report.
We can always source it back to the first ad, and we can use that with email sources, which will just remove any emails or retargeting ads from our reports so that we can easily segment and separate that from our front ends.
You Want to Look at This From Several Different Angles.
You must understand what a retargeting campaign is. It’s a conversation. It’s like a sales process where you have a car salesman, trying to figure out why the person didn’t buy and what angle you need to approach them at.
So when a person goes through our system, they go to the original ad, which is going to present them with something like a sales video call. In turn, that makes a really strong case to buy our tracking and shows the customers that we have a laundry list of basically every single big brand in the info industry. We get a lot of calls from this first ad.
But I want to walk you through everything that happens afterward. And I have these ads I’m about to show you. We hit them from all sorts of different angles.
They’re going to come into the first ad, they’re going to opt-in, they’re going to have the retargeting pixel on them, and over time, they’re going to get hit with multiple ads. Then they’ll be sent back to the sales video.
At this point, there’s an alternative sales video (which makes another case), and there’s a straight-to-the-point video that makes a straight ROI case. There is a boot camp we send them to, and then there will be brand ads and an FAQ ad.
You’re like, Whoa, what’s going on here? But trust me, when a person is thinking about buying something, especially if it’s a high-ticket item, you need to figure out why they didn’t buy it.
So, at Hyros, why didn’t they buy it? Well, maybe they had a question that wasn’t answered in the sales pitch, or maybe they just had a straight-up feature question. Or, maybe they didn’t see the feature they wanted, which is what the boot camp does.
Maybe they didn’t see a clear ROI, which is what the straight, “Hey, you can see an ROI here. Will this help you?” Maybe they’re a person that doesn’t watch a video or just needs to see a sales pitch.
If you’re like me, I don’t watch sales videos. You probably don’t watch sales videos, either. So expecting me to sit down and watch a 15-minute sales video and book a call? You might as well expect me to do a cartwheel down the hallway holding a cake in my left hand. If you can picture that, you know it would be pretty difficult to do.
So sometimes you just need to say, “Hey, look. These are all the results we’ve gotten from people just like you. You should book a call because we’re getting the same results.”
That’s what would work for me.
Sometimes you just need to send people back to the sales video because they didn’t see it the first time. At other times you need to say, “Hey, look. You know this was the point of the sales video: Book a call. This is your last chance to do so.”
And then sometimes you just need to get people a little bit more familiar with your brand.
So let me show you the pages for these. The straight video ad right here.
I can easily track that.
Next ad, “… if you’re watching this, you probably …”
This is the landing page we send people to when we just want to make a case for ROI. And as you can see, the sales video ad is actually just five minutes of me talking about all the results we’ve gotten from our customers again and again. (We just have a ridiculous amount of results for customers at Hyros, so that does help.)
Why Retargeting Ads Work
Now, here’s where our boot camp retargeting ads start to get really interesting. Our boot camp retargeting ads are a little bit different. We send them to boot camp, which is really good training and lets them sell to themselves. We have videos on each different way you could use Hyros to make more money from your business.
People click on what they are most interested in. So they’re getting training and then a sales video pitch at the end that basically offers them the exact offer they’re looking for.
This is why boot camp retargeting works so well.
We have these retargeting ads right here.
Are you interested in increasing your LTV? Use Hyros. Want to reduce your ad spend and scale? Use Hyros. Want to track your sales calls and webinars better? Use Hyros.
We have all those ads running at all times.
So let’s imagine a person lands on the webinar page. They could watch this and go, “Oh, you know what? I actually want to use AI to scale my ads, or I want to actually use LTV. That sounds cool, too.” And the person can kind of create their own sales process. This works very well for us.
Next, we just send people that see retargeting ads to stuff like, “Hey, have you seen enough yet? Come book a call. Come on, book a call–just look at the results.” Now, they’re really, really ready to book a call.
Finally, we also send people to an FAQ page where we just answer a few feature questions. This is everything we do to get people to come to Hyros. And this is why our ads are so profitable. Our ads typically generate a 5x, or 10x cash ROI on the money spent. That’s cash before recurring payments ever come in because we don’t let the customer leave and then figure out a way to address that.
The Beauty of Brand Ads
The other type of ads we run is brand ads to send people to our homepage. We have a really unique brand. We want people to know about us.
It’s basically like we want people to be able to recognize our laser-breathing ravens, sell to customers, and see all the different types of colors and everything we use. So a lot of times, we’ll just send people to our homepage with Nike-style ads. We have ads with a raven just breathing a laser that just says, “Know It All,” similar to Nike ads with our tagline.
It is meant to make people understand what Hyros is, get comfortable saying Hyros everywhere, and start to feel like this is not just some random brand that runs ads for them. It’s something that’s part of the info-marketing space, which it is.
You’ll see that this kind of primes people for the other types of ads. When you see the laser-breathing raven and all the jokes and stuff we poised in our retargeting ads, it’s going to line you up for these ads. You can only do this if you’re thinking long-term with your business.
And that’s exactly how we run Hyros—a very long-term-focused business.
I want you to look at this. You can see when I go and look at the sales that came in.
This isn’t anything prepared for you. One person came in through a straight-up ad, and they came back through keyword retargeting ads. And another person came in through a straight-up ad, then retargeting … and another, and another.
Seven out of ten, or eight of ten, of the sales that come through, came through retargeting ads. Using this process, if you took away our retargeting ads, the business would fall apart. The ads wouldn’t work.
So this is why I wanted to walk you through all of this. And by all means, first off, do what I just laid out and think long-term around the conversation you’re having with users. The best way to have that conversion is very cheaply with retargeting ads.
If you have retargeting lists of 20,000 people, you can easily advertise it for $100-$150 a day very efficiently. That being said, there’s no better way to maximize your ROI than by getting that person you paid $10 for to come back and buy for an extra $1.50 instead of another $10 opt-in.
You already have your best customers in the funnel. You just need to maximize it.
So, if you’re using Facebook or Google tracking, you’re only going to see the last ad click. That’s not very useful because the first ad clicked is part of the puzzle to see the user’s entire history.
It’s imperative to know how to make your retargeting work. You can’t just be running ads willy-nilly, and you can’t be running front ads that you don’t know are working, which is what most people do.
So if you’d like to talk about how to get this set up in your business, you can go below and book a call with us. We’ll show you how to do this on the call. We’ll show you how we structure our retargeting. And we’ll even assist you in setting this up in your business.
By the way, Hyros has a 90-day results guarantee. So if you don’t see these types of results, you don’t pay.
On top of that, if you want more help running ads and specifically scaling your business with Google ads and the funnels we use, you can also book a call with me below for our Iron ad training.
I’ll walk you through the sales funnels I’m using for my webinars and sales call funnels. I have even used them in e-commerce and SaaS to generate 18,000 subscriptions at my other SaaS company and over 8,000 high-ticket sales.
You can hop on a call with me, and I’ll walk you through that. And we can help you with actually scaling your ads with new tactics. So that’s all there is to it.
This has been Alex Becker with your Hyros training.
Let’s keep hanging out. And I hope to see you inside of Hyros as well. ‘Till next time, take it easy.
Mentioned Resources
If you are interested in obtaining the same stats I showed in this video and even having us help you set this up GO HERE to get more information on HYROS.
Ad Training and Tactics
While I do not sell courses, I do offer a private coaching program where I train people on the ad strategies I have used to build multiple 8 figure and 7 figures businesses. You can get more details on that HERE.
HYROS Facebook Group
It’s really simple. This group is the best media buyer Facebook group online because we make sure that every member is spending significant ad spend before joining. It’s for veteran ad buyers only and because of that the networking/information being shared is on another level. You can apply to join HERE
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