30% Off HYROS Must Join Before 10/23


30% Off HYROS Must Join Before 10/23
Click Here For Details and To Claim Special Pricing

Track & Attribute the source of

any and every call
your highest quality calls
any offline sale or close
future sales and revenue

Then use Al Optimization to get more of them... cheaper


Plug Instantly Into YOUR EXISTING Call Systems

Super charge your EXISTING call recording systems. HYROS seamlessly will plug into you and your clients CallRail tech stacks.

In just 6 months allowed us to scale our ad spend by 43% for Business Mastery and over 100% for Unleash The Power Within.

Call Systems
Call Systems

HYROS has the ability to be placed ON top of call tracking systems like Call Rail and instantly give you superior attribution, Al ad training and ALL the deep call analytics you see below

In just 6 months allowed us to scale our ad spend by 43% for Business Mastery and over 100% for Unleash The Power Within.

Verified by major players like:

Tony Robbins
Click Funnels
Impact Theory
Frank Kern

In just 6 months, Hyros allowed us to scale our ad spend by 43% for Business Mastery and over 100% for Unleash The Power Within.


Ad Team

Grant Cardone

Has made such a huge difference in the GC camp. Has Helped us really see what’s really going on.

Grant Cardone

#1 sales and marketing trainer in the world


Why Call Focused Ads That Use HYROS Make 20-40% More

step 1

Hyros Tracks Up To 200% More Calls and Sales from Ads

HYROS verifiably tracks call bookings MUCH better than ad platforms.

Call Tracking step1 Call Tracking step1
Calls and closes
Calls and closes
It tracks the calls all the way to the close and connects the call close to the ad. No ad platform can consistently do this.
Qualified calls
Qualified calls
HYROS even tracks whether calls are qualified or not and connect it to the ad.
Quality metrics
Quality metrics
You scale your ads based on REVENUE generating metrics...Not just calls!

step 2

HYROS feeds qualified calls and closes to ad platform AIs for better targeting

Good Data
Print Tracking

Print Tracking

/pre-int trak-ing/ noun

The most accurate form of ad tracking online. Providing up to 50% more ad attribution than just ad platform tracking alone.

Ai Ad Learning

Ai Ad Learning

/A-I ad ler-ning/ noun

The "feeding" of print tracking data to ad platform AIs such as Facebook and Google to improve ad targeting accuracy.

The result

Ads Target Better Customers, Close/Qualified Calls Increase and Ad ROI Sky Rockets

step 3

Better decisions and better AI Targeting DRAMATICALLY increases ad profitability

Verified Across Thousands of Businesses

Douglas James

After 90 days of using Alex Becker’s True Tracking Sowtware, Hyros, we’ve been able to scale 1 of our offers from $150,000 a month to $300,000 a month without increasing ad spends. His team and...

Dan Henry

World leading sales trainer

Hey @Calin @Alex Becker - Just dropping you guys a quick message to let you know how much Hyros has been helping with my campaigns. I was doing pretty well before (about $20k/month) but was struggling to...


2 million youtube subscribers

For 6 years we’ve been running hundreds of thousands of dollars in ads and have always wondered if our FB and YT data was off or not. We always knew it wasn’t 100% correct, and the second we...

Douglas James

After 90 days of using Alex Becker’s True Tracking Sowtware, Hyros, we’ve been able to scale 1 of our offers from $150,000 a month to $300,000 a month without increasing ad spends. His team and...


step 1

Paste HYROS code on your client sites

Hyros will then track ALL phone calls, form fills, applications INSTANTLY

843-994-2817 Call today get started
NO major changes to your site
NO major changes to your site
We integrate with your CRMs
We integrate with your CRMs
Designed for local area businesses
Designed for local area businesses

step 2

Track ALL calls

Track ALL calls and leads from their first ad click to their 1000th

Hyros will track the EXACT ad or source of a lead

ad source of each call
See the true ad source of each call
ad interactions and clicks
See multiple ad interactions and clicks
every Ad and Click AFTER... FOREVER
See every Ad and Click AFTER... FOREVER

step 3

Use our call analytics to optimize your ads to get CHEAPER MORE QUALIFIED calls

See which ads drove the most qualfied leads and sales. Track conversions from the ads for LIFETIMES

Track ALL calls
ad source of each call
Track call quality down to specific ads
ad source of each call
Track purchases and spend from leads YEARS after the first click
ad source of each call
Designed for local area businesses

step 4

Track ALL calls Track ALL calls

Use AI to improve ad targeting to get MORE cheaper for MUCH less

HYROS sends this info BACK to ad platform AIs to dramatically improve their targeting... Get better calls with LESS ad spend.


No system on earth gives you the attribution followed my LONG TERM sales flow and FUTURE purchase tracking like HYROS. See the source of ANY call, then attribute everything it does after the call in terms of behavior in your funnel, purchases and subscriptions revenue. Attribute LITERALLY everything


Set rules specific to your business that will automatically rate calls by quality. THEN attribute your high queality calls BACK to their source. Track any custom attribute you want such a form answers, deal size or interaction to mark calls as qualified. Stop optimizing for JUST calls. Optimize for your BEST most PROFITABLE calls.


HYROS will track each step of a calls coversion based on YOUR custom deal flows and funnels. For example HYROS will track the booked call, the client attending the call, if they received and offer...Even if they have been reached out to after. You can see each step AGAIN attribute back to the original source.

3 Simple Features PROVEN To Increase Digital Ad Profits LEAST 15% Overnight
Yes Really, Check The Testimonials Following The Videos For Proof
Method 1
Covering "Reporting Gaps" With HYROS Print Tracking
The ROAS Killing Problem


  • Stores with many traffic sources MIS-ATTRIBUTE the true source of a sale
  • Ad platform tracking misses about 15-20%+ of sales
The ROAS Killing Solution


HYROS instantly stops this cutting HUGE waste in buying traffic AND allows maximum scale..

This is routinely proven to increase ad ROAS AT LEAST 15-20%. Read our results below for proof.

Method 2
Optimizing Ads For DEAL Quality, Size and Close Rate
The Profit Killing Problem


  • Ad platforms can not show you the long term results of ads effectively
  • Seeing which traffic is generating the best deals, qualified leads, close rates and call/demo quality is IMPOSSIBLE see and optimize for
The ROAS Killing Solution


HYROS not only gives you cutting edge attribution BUT ALSO attributes the quality of your calls or demos.

You can instantly see which ads or sources generate the highest quality calls.

See things such as how far they make it in your funnel, call quality ,call attendance, average deal size and close rates ATTRIBUTED to the correct source.

Method 3
Using Forecasting With Ads To Maximize Long Term Profit
The Profit Killing Problem


  • Ad platform tracking does not track repeat sales, subscription charges or predict actual long term revenue
  • Stores are missing out on optimizing on long term revenue and missing countless options to dramatically increase ad profits
The ROAS Killing Solution


HYROS uses your PAST and NEW data to forecast the true revenue from each new customer.

We also factor in subscription data to predict the actual long term revenue you will get from each customer AND attribute it back to the ad.

See the results of your ad spend over months and years, not just the first sale.

3 Simple Features PROVEN To Increase E-Com AD ROAS By AT LEAST 15% Overnight
Yes Really, Check The Testimonials Following The Videos For Proof
Method 1
Covering "Reporting Gaps" With HYROS Print Tracking
The ROAS Killing Problem


  • Stores with many traffic sources MIS-ATTRIBUTE the true source of a sale
  • Ad platform tracking misses about 15-20%+ of sales
The ROAS Killing Solution


HYROS instantly stops this cutting HUGE waste in buying traffic AND allows maximum scale.

This is routinely proven to increase ad ROAS AT LEAST 15-20%. Read our results below for proof

Method 2
Optimizing TRUE Profit With COGs Connected To Ads
The ROAS Killing Problem


  • Ad platforms do not show the COGs (cost of goods), shipping, refunds, etc
  • TRUE profit by ad is extremely hard to get and optimize for
The ROAS Killing Solution


HYROS attaches to your systems to not just attribute sales 100% accurately BUT ALSO show the true profit factoring in ALL data points.

Quickly see which ads and products are giving the best margins when all costs are accounted for. No more guessing or complicated solutions

Method 3
Using Forecasting With Ads To Maximize Long Term Profit
The ROAS Killing Problem


  • Ad platform tracking does not track repeat sales, subscription charges or predict actual long term revenue
  • Stores are missing out on optimizing on long term revenue and missing countless options to dramatically increase ad profits
The ROAS Killing Solution


HYROS uses your PAST and NEW data to forecast the true revenue from each new customer.

We also factor in subscription data to predict the actual long term revenue you will get from each customer AND attribute it back to the ad.

See the results of your ad spend over months and years, not just the first sale.

3 Simple Features PROVEN To Increase Call/Demo Booking Ads Profits LEAST 15% Overnight
Yes Really, Check The Testimonials Following The Videos For Proof
Method 1
Covering "Reporting Gaps" With HYROS Print Tracking
The ROAS Killing Problem


  • Stores with many traffic sources MIS-ATTRIBUTE the true source of a sale
  • Ad platform tracking misses about 15-20%+ of sales
The ROAS Killing Solution


HYROS instantly stops this cutting HUGE waste in buying traffic AND allows maximum scale.

This is routinely proven to increase ad ROAS AT LEAST 15-20%. Read our results below for proof.

Method 2
Optimizing Ads For DEAL Quality, Size and Close Rate
The Profit Killing Problem


  • Ad platforms can not show you the long term results of ads effectively
  • Seeing which traffic is generating the best deals, qualified leads, close rates and call/demo quality is IMPOSSIBLE see and optimize for
The ROAS Killing Solution


HYROS not only gives you cutting edge attribution BUT ALSO attributes the quality of your calls or demos.

You can instantly see which ads or sources generate the highest quality calls.

See things such as how far they make it in your funnel, call quality ,call attendance, average deal size and close rates ATTRIBUTED to the correct source.

Method 3
Using Forecasting With Ads To Maximize Long Term Profit
The Profit Killing Problem


  • Ad platform tracking does not track repeat sales, subscription charges or predict actual long term revenue
  • Stores are missing out on optimizing on long term revenue and missing countless options to dramatically increase ad profits
The ROAS Killing Solution


HYROS uses your PAST and NEW data to forecast the true revenue from each new customer.

We also factor in subscription data to predict the actual long term revenue you will get from each customer AND attribute it back to the ad.

See the results of your ad spend over months and years, not just the first sale.

BUILD your dream reports and reporting dashboard for yourself & clients

HYROS allows you to drag and drop build your own “source” of truth dashboard with ANY metric you can imagine DISPLAYED any way you can imagine FUELD by the most accurate tracking & forecasting online


Get The Most Important
Analytics For Your Calls

Full Advanced Calls Metrics In Relation To Ads

See the deep metrics that impact your advertising bottom line ALONG SIDE your ad data.
Metrics like actual hard cost of goods, true profit, cost per new customer, cost per ATC, average order value, returning customer sales...

If it’s related to E-Commerce

Deep Cohort and LTV Analysis


HYROS Cohort Analysis and LTV chart examples

Track what campaigns bring you the best customers long term and see your revenue to ad spend days, months and YEARS after the first click. See all this data laid based on any filter or combination of data.

Full Creative Reporting Suite To Find Your Best Performing Ad Creatives

Measure the results of your creative across all campaigns and see which ad creatives perform best across all your ads. Easily track their LTV, order values and any other metric you desire.

creative reports creative reports

Fully Customizable
Attribution Models

Split up attribution and credit based on how you see fit. Ecommerce marketing has many factors and different touch points. HYROS lets you find the attribution model that suits your unique business.


See All This INSIDE Your Ad Manager

HYROS puts all this data inside YOUR native workflow so that you can work inside you ad accounts WHILE having access to data that lets you make critical decisions.

See The Full Customer Journey

Across devices, platforms, organic traffic it doesn’t matter. You will see everywhere your customers are connecting with your business and the paths they are taking to get there. Over days, months and years.

journey journey

Deep DATA APIs to plug into your system

HYROS is designed for large info brands that need to push data to large company wide reporting systems. HYROS lets you do this with ease across all deep data reporting systems like Data Studio or Sales Force.

ai ai

You can also connect HYROS with all your closer and call management systems to create advanced reporting and automation.


We work with all major and minor info stacks. Ranging from Shopify, Woocomerce and custom sites to weird combo set ups like sales funnels on Click Funnels and ALL payment processors. If you are selling Ecom goods, we can plug into your software.

plug plug

FULL 1 To 1 Concierge Working Relationship

When you join HYROS we consider it partnering with you. Your success is our success. Thus you will get a 1 to 1 rep who is an EXPERT in info marketing tracking to help make sure you have flawless tracking and reporting. Our reps will also help you find and read the data to find oppurtunity and grow your Info business further.

Connect All Parts Of Business

HYROS allows you to sync leads, phone calls, email and every part of your business together for one clean attribution picture.

Deepest Tracking Online Deepest Tracking Online

Deepest Tracking Online

HYROS is for brands that need MAXIMUM accuracy. 10-20% off is a difference of tens, hundreds or even millions.

HYROS knows this and gives you the highest level of tracking with our “print” tracking that is the difference in 20%+ in additional revenue from your ads.

Perfect LONG Click To Sale Times Offline Sales And Repeat Sales

HYROS specializes in connecting purchases to clicks after LONG periods and tracking repeat sales from customers.

journey journey

You Grow OR You Don’t Pay

If you are unhappy with HYROS or fail to get an immense ROI on our software, you can refund the full amount for any reason within the first 90 days.


Pricing starts as low as $199 a month, we need a brief 5 minute call to ensure you can fully plug in and that we can guarantee results. We then customize your account and support reps to you! We can’t do this without chatting!

Impact Theory

Exactly the info we needed. Eye-opening.

Impact Theory


Frank Kern

If you don’t use Hyros you aren’t even woke. Buy Hyros.

Frank Kern


Explore features that apply to your business model